Fill out the survey to see if

Tissue Regenerative Therapy

is right for you!

Once you fill out the survey our team will be reaching out to you through text and email.

While Radial Pressure Wave Therapy is very safe there are a few conditions where it is not indicated.

Filling out the survey helps us determine the right direction for your problem.

Is Shockwave Therapy right for you?

Please complete the following questions.

Please select a condition that best fits what you would like to get better.

Yes, Shockwave Therapy has success in all these conditions and injuries!

How often do you experience pain?

How bad is your pain?

What is the impact on your daily life?

Please check any that apply.

How long have you had your problem?

Have you tried other treatments?

Thank you for sharing your information. Shockwave/Radial Pressure Wave Therapy can be a great adjunctive treatment with other therapies and can improve conditions that are having trouble getting better.

Please click the submit button.

Want to try treating your Plantar Fasciitis pain on your own?

Check out this link and we will connect you with content through text and email.

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